Sunday, December 31, 2017

Welcome 2018!

A new year! It's like a cleansing rain after a long, dry spell; an open window in spring; a warm place in the winter sun; the smells of autumn.....welcome, exciting. It brings promise; it's a challenge to be more efficient, more organized, more attentive, more compassionate, more active, more creative, more disciplined; it's the hope of health, peace, contentment, prosperity.

I stopped making resolutions years ago. I did resolve for 2016 that I would FINALLY read the Bible all the way through....and I did! I think that is the first "resolution" that I have ever followed through on, but it didn't happen without a group of friends whose commitment was the same as mine. We had to cheer each other on during Leviticus and Numbers, remind each other during busy days, support each other when we didn't understand passages, high five each other when we finished the last verse of Revelation.

This year has been a so-so year. We have had years when we weren't sure we would survive until the next year. Some years, we found ourselves with fleeting wishes of not making it through the year. Some years we have had so many good things happen that we almost dreaded the new year because we felt like we were waiting for the other shoe to drop! We have faced some challenges this year, but we have survived them....actually triumphed over them. There have been parts of this year that seemed like the calm before the storm, some moments that seemed like Ground Zero of a catastrophe. But, we made it! Just like we have all the other years: the good ones and the bad ones!

Our family has seen our share of fear and heartbreak this year. We have faced addictions, illness, and injuries in our family. But we have also welcomed new members into our family, made new friends, achieved goals, found new interests, been places, seen and done things! So, I feel like I can say it has been a good year because the good has certainly outweighed the bad!

I am not making any resolutions this year, but I am making some changes and I welcome you to join me, help me, encourage me through any or all of these changes!

I am starting this blog because several friends have encouraged me to. I have had blogs in the past with my crafts and with something else I was selling, but I never felt a commitment or the draw that I feel right now. I want to share, but I want others to share with me! I want others with the same ideas, interests, and even the same fears, hesitations, compulsions, to share what is going on with their lives. What are you seeking? How are you going about your search? Let's look at life like a Scavenger Hunt---follow the clues until you find the answer, with some laughter, and even some hair pulling (our own, not that of others! lol) along the way!

There will be different pages and some days I may post on each page, some days just one or two, probably some days I won't post at all. But I hope you will read and comment. Share your thoughts!
The pages will be about my journey, my scavenger hunt, but I want you to be my checkpoints, cheerleaders, fellow searcher, along the way....and I will be happy to be yours!

The Master Weaver
A Healthier Family is a Happier Family
No Emojis: Send a Smile & a Hug!
Photography & Events -- Art & Fun!

So, this is what my 2018 looks like: a more creative me, a happier, healthier family, sharing my talents & gifts with others! What is your 2018 going to look like?